
About us

How Did It All Start?

Founded by a band of Scotsmen, proud people of the country where the game itself was invented originally, this club stays true to the Old World traditions of the game.

Also, we’re very welcoming of newcomers!


Club Members


Restaurants & Bars

Meet the Club’s Board

Be sure, that if you will ever be lucky enough to get trained at our tennis classes by any of these people, you will love to enjoy the game!

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People Love Golfing Here!

See some of the most recent testimonials written by the Club members…

[tm_pb_cherry_testi admin_label=”Cherry Testimonials” source=”category” limit=”2″ order=”desc” orderby=”date” divider=”off” show_avatar=”on” size=”90″ show_email=”on” show_position=”on” show_company=”on” type=”list” effect=”slide” loop=”on” pagination=”on” navigation=”on” template=”boxed.tmpl”] [/tm_pb_cherry_testi]

Apply for a Job!

We are always on a massive lookout for new talents, effective every single day of the week, all year long!