• Altitude1498m
  • Hecterage3.2ha
  • Biggest Fish70cm
Access: Member only water

A WildFly club water that has won the largest fish competition twice and has recorded more 10lb Trout than any other water under our management. Despite the high rod pressure that it sustains, this gin clear dam is famous for behemoth fish chasing down any surface action. Incredible water quality has the fish come right into the shallows at the windmill or on the spillway / mountain bankside. 70cm is the benchmark.



GPS Coordinates

(-29.3832221296, 29.92183685309999)

Stocking and Biomass Report

Depending upon factors such as food source. Water temperature and biomass of fish, the age group to weight ratio may vary. This is a representative sample based on our water testing. catch records and random fish sampling.